File: LabbyAbandonsAlfredpart1.swf-(6.47 MB, Other)
Alfred's Big Suprise Anonymous 01/28/13(Mon)20:39 No.1870742
Anonymous 01/28/13(Mon)20:42 No.1870745
thats the saddest sotry ive ever hrreeerrdd!
Anonymous 01/28/13(Mon)20:43 No.1870747
Anonymous 01/28/13(Mon)20:47 No.1870750
i cried and came bucketloads!
Anonymous 01/28/13(Mon)20:50 No.1870751
fucking alfred
Anonymous 01/28/13(Mon)20:52 No.1870753
it was the saddest dogs in world.
Anonymous 01/28/13(Mon)20:54 No.1870755
little fot. rip.
Anonymous 01/28/13(Mon)20:56 No.1870757
why, alofed why.
Anonymous 01/28/13(Mon)20:58 No.1870762
Anonymous 01/28/13(Mon)21:04 No.1870766
no, alfed. i cried all the way home..
Anonymous 01/28/13(Mon)21:12 No.1870772
nooooo alffred nooooo why r i p
Anonymous 01/28/13(Mon)21:17 No.1870773
dat landbeforetime music
Anonymous 01/28/13(Mon)21:21 No.1870776
i cried all over my pants
Anonymous 01/28/13(Mon)21:37 No.1870787
no? why does teh life be like this, oh lard ?
Anonymous 01/28/13(Mon)21:48 No.1870795
poor alfred
Anonymous 01/28/13(Mon)22:02 No.1870808
i was very suipriede
Anonymous 01/28/13(Mon)22:14 No.1870815
noooooooooooooooo why god did u do it
Anonymous 01/28/13(Mon)22:40 No.1870825
r i p alfred have funz bein a angel
Anonymous 01/28/13(Mon)22:56 No.1870835
Replies: >>1870852
alfred = male / female ??
Anonymous 01/28/13(Mon)23:07 No.1870852
he has diferent subpersonalities that have different genders . one of his personalities is a little girl, in this case schoolgirl alfred.
Anonymous 01/28/13(Mon)23:18 No.1870863
yaaaaaaaaaaaayyy i mean nooooooooooooooooooo~~~!!!!
Anonymous 01/28/13(Mon)23:18 No.1870864
Replies: >>1870868 >>1870873 >>1870874
dear god, why dies she still make these?
Anonymous 01/28/13(Mon)23:20 No.1870868
because there is literally nothing else to do in the 3d physical realm, and if she stops she literally will go insane
Anonymous 01/28/13(Mon)23:22 No.1870873
I like em fuck you
Anonymous 01/28/13(Mon)23:23 No.1870874
I thought she had stopped, but I'm happy to see she hasn't
Anonymous 01/28/13(Mon)23:37 No.1870890
Replies: >>1870894
lik dis if u cri evry tiem
Anonymous 01/28/13(Mon)23:51 No.1870894
i cried and cried and creid and cred and creid and creid and creid, evry tiem.
Anonymous 01/29/13(Tue)00:09 No.1870903
Replies: >>1870906
I'm happy to see the animation in this one is much better than the other ones I have seen previously. I can tell she put more work into that than usual.
Anonymous 01/29/13(Tue)00:13 No.1870906
Replies: >>1870925 >>1870988
this one only took like 5 days, breh. And i had just got my heart ripped out of my chest on top of that. Its from the movie, the alfred movie, it has to be a good'n!! its prety, like oen of those happy studio ghibli cartons. but oh so sad. Wel u know what they say, heartache makes tha best cartons!!
Anonymous 01/29/13(Tue)00:36 No.1870916
nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo oooooooo tghher is no god
Anonymous 01/29/13(Tue)00:52 No.1870923
heil alfred
Anonymous 01/29/13(Tue)00:55 No.1870925
Replies: >>1870932
emily youcis what happend why did your heart get ripped out?
Anonymous 01/29/13(Tue)01:17 No.1870932
Replies: >>1870933 >>1870941 >>1870946 >>1870971
a man i thought loved me for over a year just dumped me over the phone. He animates 3d cartoons and has a fucked up dog character named Labby, as you see here. So this is very much based on a true story.
>> tfw the only other person on the internet who has as much as a fucked up perverse dog character as you dumps you ovr the phone
Anonymous 01/29/13(Tue)01:19 No.1870933
Replies: >>1870947
I am quite curious, if you'd pardon my asking. But what were his reasons for breaking up with you?
Do you have a blog that chronicles all things Youcis?
Anonymous 01/29/13(Tue)01:28 No.1870935
gurl you got dem issues
Anonymous 01/29/13(Tue)01:29 No.1870936
Anonymous 01/29/13(Tue)01:34 No.1870941
Replies: >>1870947
that's sad to hear, maybe date a guy who doesn't make fucked up animated dog cartoons next you know
one day you'll find true love i'm sure
Anonymous 01/29/13(Tue)01:40 No.1870946
Replies: >>1870949
>implying something like love exists
just get a new dick or grow one your own
Anonymous 01/29/13(Tue)01:40 No.1870947
Replies: >>1870954 >>1870959
tha fuck wrong wit ya, n***a? I'm a girl that makes fucked up animated dog cartoons. how could i want anything else?
i am rather confused on this myself. i used to have a blog but i dont do too much on it anymore. but it chronicals my fucked up highschool years. have fun for the next 3 nights
Anonymous 01/29/13(Tue)01:41 No.1870949
Replies: >>1870957
alfred is my new dick. he also is my own dick. i shall fuck myself and my imaginary dog lover for the rest of my days on this wretched earth.
Anonymous 01/29/13(Tue)01:46 No.1870954
Replies: >>1870962
You were in highschool in 2011?
That makes you younger than I'd imagine.
Anonymous 01/29/13(Tue)01:53 No.1870957
Replies: >>1870965
yoo crazy emily, i never knew you ahd a boyfriend
at least you had the experience of having one and you also had sex while i'll die a virgin so be thankful for that
Anonymous 01/29/13(Tue)01:54 No.1870959
>implying you are a girl
Anonymous 01/29/13(Tue)01:58 No.1870962
no no no i graduated in 08 like i said i update it every now and then but not really
Anonymous 01/29/13(Tue)01:59 No.1870963
Replies: >>1870976
OMFG what is that music from at the end when the crows fly over.....OMFG
Anonymous 01/29/13(Tue)01:59 No.1870965
Replies: >>1870968
trust me, the pain is worse when you know wut your missing. now its like im a foreveralone in highschool again, except its much worse cuz now i know what human physical contact had felt like
Anonymous 01/29/13(Tue)02:03 No.1870967
i can b your new boyfriend gurl call me fuck that gay n***a that dumped u
Anonymous 01/29/13(Tue)02:06 No.1870968
Replies: >>1870975
so now with you being sad and all that, on the bright side that means you'll probably create your cartoon masterpiece next right? because i think i once heard you saying that you make the best cartoons when you're sad or depressed or something like that
Anonymous 01/29/13(Tue)02:07 No.1870971
Replies: >>1870975
You must mean Screamerclauz... I bought that movie of his on Blu-Ray. I'm very sorry Emily. I'm a huge fan of yours (and Alfred's) and think you're wonderful. Worry not!
Anonymous 01/29/13(Tue)02:12 No.1870973
Replies: >>1870975
Anonymous 01/29/13(Tue)02:19 No.1870975
Replies: >>1870979 >>1870983
yes, yes, as shitty as it is, alfred was born from the Chamber of Sadness, of Pure Alloneity, he was the product of isolation, and so now that I have entered that hellish state once again it truly will be a masterpeice. I always knew Alfred couldn't thrive with real human love, and so i have no choice once again but to forget my female body and become that desperate dog completely once again.
sighhhh, ahh yes, he truly was the sweetest thing on god's green earth. i'm happy you suppported him by buying his filth.
well i only just begun it, and you will be sad to learn that it will probably take a few years. but fear not, for i shall be posting all of it on newgrounds as i make it. Since it will be using copyrighted material i cant sell it anyway so it will come out. Unchronologically, however, because I always do things out of order and they come together in a great orgasm at the end.
Anonymous 01/29/13(Tue)02:21 No.1870976
you never seen the landn before time, n***a/?!? dinosaurs mom dies n shit, saddst movie . but not nearly as sad as the alfred movie will be.
Anonymous 01/29/13(Tue)02:25 No.1870979
It's the only bluray I own and now I feel like burning it... should have just stuck with originally pirating it. We're here for you (more or less) dear /s/ister
Anonymous 01/29/13(Tue)02:29 No.1870983
Replies: >>1870994
that's cool
i just want my steady stream of alfred cartoons you know, 2010 and 2011 fucking sucked because you made like 2 CARTOONS IN TWO YEARS
what the fuck were doing at the time? anyway, can one still buy your dvd at screamerclauz site now that you're not a couple anymore (my sincerest condolences btw)?
Anonymous 01/29/13(Tue)02:32 No.1870986
you betta make that alfred fast or ill have to bust a cap in yo bitchazz
f4r !HanakoDlmg 01/29/13(Tue)02:37 No.1870988
Replies: >>1870990 >>1870994
You're in a relationship with anon now.
That, or maybe get a husbando. Either works.
Anonymous 01/29/13(Tue)02:38 No.1870990
that's what i wanted to suggest
become a waifu/husbando fag
Anonymous 01/29/13(Tue)02:42 No.1870994
Creamy was like my husbando. i wanted to be his little waifu forever animating behind him, waiting for his breif caress at the end of the day. but alas, it is not in teh stars.
2010-2011 i was in another relationship that wouldnt understand me animating for 12 hours a day, go figure. cuddling deluded me once again. now creamy, he could understand... apparently it was not enough thou, not enough...
i think we will still do buisness together as he is the only person that can get me pirated media and bootleg softwares. once i get ovr the pain of looking into his giant chocolate pools and not having teh authority to lick them.
Anonymous 01/29/13(Tue)02:42 No.1870995
You should kill yourself.
It's what is best.
Anonymous 01/29/13(Tue)02:47 No.1870997
Replies: >>1871001
Anonymous 01/29/13(Tue)02:47 No.1870998
u a funny girl emily
you would be waifu material yourself if you weren't 3DPD you know, but you're still funny
Anonymous 01/29/13(Tue)02:50 No.1871001
Replies: >>1871006
talk to creamerclauz about that one, buddeh!!
Anonymous 01/29/13(Tue)02:57 No.1871006
Replies: >>1871007 >>1871009 >>1871011
I don't think many people understand the passion and muse that certain characters can give us.
especially those powerful enough to have been born from our own turmoil.
finding someone to share that bond with is one of the best things that you could hope for. but having it then ripped away from you. life is cruel. love... is cruel.
But alfred will always be there for you. whether that pains you or helps you. just remember there are always others out there. you're still young, and though it may not seem like it, you will find someone again.
Also if you want help getting pirated stuff, I can totally get you completely legal and totally paid for merchandise (
But enough of that crap, when in the motherfuck is the release date for Alfred the movie!?
Anonymous 01/29/13(Tue)02:57 No.1871007
Replies: >>1871012
shut up faggot
Anonymous 01/29/13(Tue)02:59 No.1871009
and don't give me no 2013!
concrete dates, down to the second. the time is right and the coffin is calling. i shant be long for this world.
Anonymous 01/29/13(Tue)03:00 No.1871011
holy shit u gay son?
Anonymous 01/29/13(Tue)03:00 No.1871012
Replies: >>1871014
n****r there are two things i don't forgive.
faggots and n****rs. You just happen to be both of them, so i'll kindly ask you to take a pickle and let Pickle stick his dickle in your prickle as he fucks you with, you guessed it, a pickle.
Anonymous 01/29/13(Tue)03:02 No.1871014
Replies: >>1871015
shut up faggot
Anonymous 01/29/13(Tue)03:03 No.1871015
n****r there are two things i don't forgive.
faggots and n****rs. You just happen to be both of them, so i'll kindly ask you to take a pickle and let Pickle stick his dickle in your prickle as he fucks you with, you guessed it, a pickle.
Anonymous 01/29/13(Tue)03:10 No.1871019
Emily, every night in my dreams we make incredible love together. The universe in all its mystery and pain and beauty flows through us, and we are complete.
Complete in the darkness of sleep.
Anonymous 01/29/13(Tue)03:14 No.1871022
what did i just tell you mam fuka!? it wil probably take like 3 years because i just started it. but dont worry , im unemployed and living at my moms house with no friends and cant get laid again, so it iwll be out in no time! But like i said il be fuckin releasing all the parts as i go on newgrounds but they will be out of order cuz thats how i do shit and the final put to gether in order version wiill be available on dvd in a few years
Anonymous 01/29/13(Tue)03:17 No.1871024
Anonymous 01/29/13(Tue)03:20 No.1871025
I'll tell you one thing, i will be buying that dvd.
Anonymous 01/29/13(Tue)03:25 No.1871026
Replies: >>1871040
Shit you're pretty good lookin. I bet you could totally find someone to fuck your brains out. or are you looking for one of those relationship things?
Anonymous 01/29/13(Tue)03:28 No.1871028
Replies: >>1871029 >>1871039
>>1870742 (OP)
haha this reminds me of homestuck :3
Anonymous 01/29/13(Tue)03:29 No.1871029
Replies: >>1871030
just how in the name of fuck does it now?
Anonymous 01/29/13(Tue)03:30 No.1871030
Replies: >>1871039
ummmmm, because it's so random and all over the place xD
plus it's kind of dark :(
Anonymous 01/29/13(Tue)03:31 No.1871031
as a fellow fucked up girl i must say i love your work
dont got a character of my own though, keep up the good work emily
Anonymous 01/29/13(Tue)03:37 No.1871039
Replies: >>1871042
oook, I think we're done here.... Bottom line is we love you Emily! Keep up the good work! You're a very attractive and best of all, interesting female. We hope to see more of you and Alfred soon! Goodnight kiddo!
Anonymous 01/29/13(Tue)03:38 No.1871040
i am looking for neither now. creamy was tha clauz for me, and now he is goen forever. i shall be celibate and devote myself to the alfredchrist until i die now. i shant rely on any other living human fuck for happiness. for i have been amongst the humans, i went out amongst them, and i have returned with nothing but hurt, emptiness, and unfulfilled proomisses. no, no more human for me. never human again.
Anonymous 01/29/13(Tue)03:38 No.1871041
Rise of Alfred makes me cry everytime, thank you!
Anonymous 01/29/13(Tue)03:39 No.1871042
Replies: >>1871043
goodnight, dear friend, i am watching the olivia munn special to see if the hot bitch brings up smut cave or the time i got her to act like a mentally retarded person on telivision . but alas, she just continues with her own whorish vanity. shes forgot about me, ive had enoguh.
Anonymous 01/29/13(Tue)03:42 No.1871043
you should make a new smut cave episode
Anonymous 01/29/13(Tue)03:44 No.1871045
i just wanted to say you got me into tyler the creator so thank you emily youcis for your crazy flashes