FOLKS, for years now i've told you i would delivar quality Alfred Poarn. You waited, and watie,d and i did not delivar. Sorry folks, i was selfish. for i had to see the world.
Now i've seen the world and it's filled with more poarn you could imagine, so naturally, I have come back to animation.
For the past 10 months on and off i have been animating the ultimate alfred Poarn Gore Rap Music Video. Alfred licking shitt off of pigs butt. Alfred pissing on girl after chainsawing her. Human meat machine. Tampon man dancing. Theese are just a few of the wonderful things promised in this full length animate dmusic video.
Folks, i have delivared. Finally. And now i shall spam the internet with it.
It shall be done in 3 days. i think. 3.
If no trouble shooting occurs. It will be the sxiest i say ,THE SEXIEST ALFRED ANIMATION YET
THE ALFRED POARN IS FINALLY HERE. TUNE IN IN ABOUT THREE DAYS . YOU WILL NOT be dissapoint. though i know i've dissapointed yall repeatedly like a deadbeat father. well, now im back, kids, and i promis,e alfred ai'nt goin no where.
Bye the way this painting is what the video is pretty much, and many, many more.
Mein Gott.
Should I cry or laugh or be sick or feel the ultimate pleasure?
when you see this new video, you will shit pleasure turds for weeks